The best solution for Front-End development

We support you in developing your business by building high-tech digital platforms

Stackhouse is the ultimate solution to all your Online Business development problems

Thanks to the skills of our staff, consisting of Senior FullStack Developers, Graphic Designers and Project Managers with international experience, you will have the opportunity to develop your online business technologically without having to fear delays and problems.

We build your platform from scratch

Within our software house we are able to design, develop and manage platforms of medium to high complexity.

Our aim is to ensure the IT and digital development of your business, which has become fundamental for companies in all sectors.

Thanks to StackHouse, you will no longer have problems of “delays” and/or incompleteness because we guarantee 100% project success.

The macro areas of development:

  • Design

In this phase we will design the user interface and the user experience of your product.

  • IT development

The project will begin to take shape, through codes

  • Deployment e Go To Market

Your project will become reality and will be usable for users!

  • Aggiornamenti Costanti e mantenimento 

We will always be at your side to generate the necessary improvements to make your platform able to monetize at its best.

Our team

Stackhouse S.R.L is a company established in 2018 founded by 4 Full Stack developers with the aim of ensuring the best front-end development offer with very high performance.

The team consists of over 20 highly professional and highly skilled developers on front-end on react js technology, with the ability to always respond quickly even to unplanned and emergency aspects.

Through the work of Full-Stack resource management, it is possible to examine, correct and improve the work of each operational resource, whether Senior, Middle or Junior, in order to offer the client a clean and intuitive code, able to speak for itself.

Front-end dev specialists

The team specialises in creating advanced graphical interfaces to allow the user to visualise and interact with the data.

All our UIs, whether for new platforms or existing services (web/mobile) must meet two fundamental criteria: BEAUTIFUL and FUNCTIONAL.

Our attention to the development of modern logics always goes hand in hand with the aesthetic requirements to which a digital product must now correspond.

In order to be effective, a graphic interface must now not only be functional but also be designed to be pleasant and “functional” and adaptable to all modern technologies.

Whether they are dedicated platforms for customers or internal services, users must fall in love with your systems. Our aim is to make your system as simple as it is indispensable!

Customers and Partners
